Quick Update
Quick Update
The Centre of Clinical Excellence is located in the Legion Veterans Village, 10626 City Parkway, Surrey, BC. They offer a variety of programs which are available to RCMP Veterans and their families. This includes access to a primary health doctor if you do not have access to one in the Province of BC. More information may be obtained at www.vfrh.ca
Home Page
Brain Fog Program The Brain Fog program is an innovative clinical program designed to address the physical, neurological, and cognitive impacts of Brain Fog. Fully funded participation to CAF & RCMP Veterans and their family members. Learn more Sleep & Fatigue Clinic The Sleep & Fatigue Clinic at the Centre of Clinical Excellence will |
They are asking veterans for input and have put together an online questionnaire that they would like as many veterans as possible to respond to so they can further develop their programs as need arises. Please click this link and complete the short survey.
Thank you
Murray Macham CFE
RCMP Vancouver Veterans Division
Advocacy and Support
Just a reminder that our Vancouver Division September meeting will take place at the Chilliwack Curling Club on Thursday, September 19, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Further details will follow.
The next coffee klatch is on Monday August 12th, 2024, at the Chilliwack Curling Club 45550 Spadina Avenue in downtown Chilliwack. Bring a friend and a tale or two. The contact/organizer is Art Hoivik.
NOTE: If you are an organizer or attend coffee or lunch groups and would like to open these gatherings up to other retired members, please let us know and we would be happy to get the word out through our newsletter and website.