“O” Division Federal Priorities
Dear Members of the Association,
“O” Division has provided an outline of reorganization plans targetted at an “update to the Federal Policing Priorities”
There has been criticism of the Force’s federal policing program so this is quite timely. While these plans are specific to “O” Division they do include mentions of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec, and one might surmise that this will be a template for federal policing throughout the Force.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
In April 2019, with the announcement of the update to the Federal Policing Priorities to focus on National Security, Transnational Serious and Organized Crime and Cybercrime, O Division implemented changes to the existing structure and realigned some of the O Division programs to achieve the most effective use of existing resources. The review of the Financial Crime program resulted in the integration of resources with
Transnational Serious and Organized Crime team. This was followed by a Border Integrity review to enable deployment of resources where they are needed most, and allow for a cohesive border response. In October 2020 it was also announced that O Division received funding to create a team dedicated to Money Laundering Investigations (IMLIT – Integrated MoneyLaundering Investigative Teams).
Throughout the planning for reorganization, CDR conducted 14 separate meetings with Border Integrity, TSOC, INSET, Financial Crime, CIB, FOSB and CROPS employees to answer questions and share information. CDR also kept employees informed on the progress of the reorganization through regular updates on the internal web.
This restructure was significant and complex affecting a large number of employees. Some delays were experienced largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted the timelines for the reviews. Other delays were the result of decisions that were made to hold back on staffing actions in order to provide equal opportunity to employees by publishing all available positions.
The restructure is coming to completion. On January 29, 2021, employees will move into their new positions as per approved organizational charts, with a start date of February 1, 2021.
Additional Information:
SOC and FC Reorganization:
“The Financial Crime re-organization will ensure that our SOC and Financial Crime resources are integrated to enhance capacity and address Federal Priorities. Multi-disciplinary teams with diverse knowledge, skills and abilities are needed to conduct these integrated and complex investigations. We must ensure that O Division resources remain nimble, capable, and able to address federal policing priorities now and into the future.” CO communique July 2020
Border Integrity:
“Our divisional border integrity strategy will be intelligence led, consisting of both uniform and plain clothes response to the border at and between the ports of entry. Cornwall, Kingston, Thunder Bay, Sault St. Marie and Windsor have been identified as our border integrity detachments with Border Integrity Team operating in the Niagara area. Police Officers assigned to these units will operate in an integrated manner with our domestic and international border integrity partners, acquiring the skills and understanding of information sharing practices unique to border operations.” CO communique July 2020
Integrated Money Laundering Teams (IMLITs):
Funding for Money Laundering: “New Integrated Money Laundering Investigative Teams (IMLITs) will be created in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec, bringing together expertise from a variety of agencies to address high-profile cases and advance money laundering and proceeds of crime (ML/POC) investigations nation-wide. The RCMP is also making investments in information management/information technology, secure communications, and data analytics to improve Federal Policing operational and investigative capacities and capabilities, including enhanced support for ML/POC investigations.” News Release Dec.17, 2020.
O Division Cybercrime Investigative Team:
work on solving crimes where hacking, denial of service or malware and botnet attacks occur:
- target the federal government
- threaten Canada’s critical infrastructure
- involve the use of cyber systems to support terrorist activity
- threaten key business assets of Canada