London Division Remembrance Day Activities 2019

RCMP Veterans’ Association

Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families

This information is being provided to all Association Members

London Division 2019 Remembrance Day

Dear Association Members,

Bill Helland of London Division has very kindly provided a copy of their report for their Remembrance Day ceremonies.  The spirit of the Division members in supporting this outreach to their communities is outstanding.  The report contains a large number of photographs from all their undertakings and is very enjoyable to read.  Given the structure of the report a translation is not available and for this I apologize.

Also included in this message is a story provided by Basil Kirk of New Brunswick Division which is quite remarkable.

London Division’s report is attached as a pdf and may be read by clicking the button.
Basil’s story follows.

James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

London Division Report

Open Letter To Ottawa From A Visiting U.S. Soldier

This letter to Ottawa was posted on Ottawa/Reddit earlier today by a U.S. soldier (u/919Firefighter) who was in the Capital to attend a Senators/Hurricanes hockey game last weekend. On Monday, November 11th, he attended the Remembrance Day ceremony at the National War Memorial and had this to say..


Merci, Ottawa

Many saw my post last weekend about visiting Ottawa from the US for the Sens/Hurricanes game. While there, I had the honor of attending your Remembrance Day ceremony. My wife and I waited an hour and a half to get a good view and to say it was life changing would be an understatement.
 I have served in the US military for 10.5 years now and I my unit is gearing up for another deployment to the Middle East next month. The amount of respect that has been instilled in Canadians for their great military and the ones that have given the ultimate sacrifice is beyond words.

While we do have a day to remember our fallen, where I live in North Carolina has nothing like it. Our Memorial Day has turned into businesses marketing sales for the their products and average citizens using it as a day off work to go to the beach or barbecue. The true meaning has been lost. But not in Canada. No. You all understand the sacrifice these men and women have made and choose to stand outside in the freezing cold for hours honoring their memory.

Tears streamed down my face as I watched the pride in your eyes as different branches of your armed forces marched past, the claps for the veterans, some in wheelchairs and some barely able to stand as they put their age and pain aside and marched past in formation. It was beautiful.

I will be wearing a poppy every year from now on. I told you it was life changing and I meant it. Your fallen will never be forgotten by this American, no matter what happens. Thank you for being such hospitable hosts and showing me there still is hope and pride in the greats who have walked before us.

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Updated all members list for 2019 – deletes previous regional lists: Atlantic, Prairies & Pacific.

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140 Riverstone Drive
Nepean, Ontario
K2J 5E5