Veteran Divisions

RCMP Veterans’ Association – badge




The RCMP Veterans’ Association has a national headquarters which is situated in Ottawa.

In each province, there are one or more Division groups.  The Veteran Divisions with a designated website are listed below.  Double-click on the respective Division title and you will be taken to their website:


RCMP Veterans’ Association (National) and telephone number – 1-877-251-1771

BC North District Division                               Cypress Hills Division

Edmonton Division                                           Georgian Bay Division

Golden Horse Shoe Division                           Kingston Region Division 

Manitoba Division                                             Montreal Division 

Newfoundland & Labrador Division

Ottawa Division                                                  Prince Edward Island Division

Regina Division                                                  Saskatoon Division

Toronto Division                                                Yukon Division

For the Veteran Divisions that do not have a dedicated website, check out this link.  Select the provincial flag and double-click to be provided a listing of the various Veteran Divisions in the respective province and name of contact person.