Kimberley RCMP Sgt. Wins Award

RCMP Veterans’ Association
Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
This information is being provided to all Association Members
Kimberley Detachment Commander Receives Award
Dear Association Members,
The following article appeared in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman on October 15th., 2019.
Our collective hats are off to Okanagan Division for undertaking the awarding of this recognition to the Kimberley Detachment Commander, Sgt. Chris Newell and to Sgt. Newell for his exemplary service to his community.
The article follows.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

Kimberley RCMP Sgt. wins award
Chris Newel receives 2019 police officer award
- Oct. 15, 2019 1:01 p.m.
On October 10, the RCMP Veterans Association presented Sgt. Chris Newel, Kimberley Detachment Commander, with the 2019 Police Officer Award. The award recognizes a regular member of the Force who best represents the Mission, Vision and Values of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Sgt. Newel is recognized for outstanding promotion of a safe community through community engagement, a progressive foot patrol program as well as has his proactive media and public relations, said Tony Hamori, Award Committee Chair. Sgt. Newel reflects the core values of the Force though leading by example in many investigations, emergency incidents and major events, adds Allan Speevak, President, Okanagan Division, RCMP Veterans Association.
The award was presented at the Southeast District Awards Recognition ceremony held in Kelowna on October 10, 2019 by Chief Superintendent Brad Haugli Southeast District Commander and Allan Speevak.
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