Update – June 2024



As you may be aware Support & Advocacy (S&A) is considered to be one of the most important programs offered by the RCMP Veterans Association.  We are very fortunate to have two knowledgeable and dedicated members of our Division involved in the program.  John Sherstone, who is the Association Co-Chair and Murray Macham are volunteers, committed to helping others.  In addition to their work with the S&A program, both hold positions on our Division Executive as well as interests outside the Veterans Association.  Between the two of them, they handled over 160 files last year for not only our RCMPVA members and families, but non-members of the Association and serving members of the Force.  The current case load for only two people to handle is unsustainable.  In short, they need help to keep up with the demands of the program.

If you are looking for a meaningful way to assist others, this program may be a way for you to do so.  The Association will provide you with training and you will have the benefit of two very knowledgeable mentors in John and Murray to assist you.  If you want further information or to get involved, please contact either John (sherst01@telus.net) or Murray (mmacham@telus.net).


Division Presidents. 

 Please see the attached call for applications for the Women Veterans Council with Veterans Affairs Canada

 As we strive to increase our female representation in the RCMPVA, this is a great opportunity to reach out to our current female membership and potential membership to be part of meaningful engagement as we move forward. 

 Please share this with your membership and have anyone interested in being involved follow the directions to apply. 

 Thank you. 



Chief Administration Officer /Chef de l’administration

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Veterans Association/

Association des vétérans de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada

 Hello Sandra and Glenn,

 In Joanne’s absence this week, I am reaching out to advise that VAC has recently launched a call for applications for the newly established Women Veterans Council. Women Veterans Council – Veterans Affairs Canada

 The applications are to be submitted by June 28th, 2024Applications open for the first Women Veterans Council – Canada.ca

 Would it be possible to post on your website and/or send out an announcement to your membership? Below is the ‘announcement in both official languages’ while the weblinks are above.

Subject: Veterans Affairs Canada- Women Veterans Council recruitment / Anciens Combattants Canada – Recrutement pour le Conseil des vétéranes

Good afternoon,

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, invites still-serving and all women Veterans from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to apply to become a member of the new Ministerial Women Veterans Council. The Council is a place for your voice as a woman with lived experiences to help inform the Minister and the Department on how to better meet the needs of all women Veterans.

The Council will consist of women from diverse backgrounds, perspectives and lived experiences. The Council will meet quarterly, and members will serve a multi-year term.

If this opportunity interests and excites you, please submit an up-to-date resume along with a personal narrative describing your experience and interest in being a member of the Council. The deadline for applications is June 28, 2024.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Women Veterans Council, please contact us at:   WomensCouncil-Conseilveteranes@veterans.gc.ca


L’honorable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, ministre des Anciens Combattants, invite les femmes toujours en service et les vétéranes des Forces armées canadiennes et de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada à présenter une demande pour devenir membre du nouveau Conseil des vétéranes du Ministère. Le Conseil est un endroit pour vous faire entendre en tant que femmes ayant vécu des expériences concrètes pouvant orienter le ministre et le Ministère afin de mieux répondre aux besoins de toutes les vétéranes.

Le Conseil sera composé de femmes d’horizons divers ayant différents points de vue et des expériences variées. Le Conseil se réunira tous les trimestres et ses membres auront un mandat sur plusieurs années.

Si cette occasion vous intéresse et vous stimule, veuillez envoyer un curriculum vitæ à jour et un récit personnel décrivant votre expérience et votre intérêt à devenir membre du Conseil. La date limite pour présenter une demande est le 28 juin 2024.

Si vous avez des questions ou voulez en savoir plus sur le Conseil des vétéranes, veuillez communiquer avec nous à l’adresse:  WomensCouncil-Conseilveteranes@veterans.gc.ca

Women Veterans and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans Team | Équipe des vétéranes et des vétérans 2ELGBTQI+

Community Engagement I Engagement communautaire

Veterans Affairs Canada I Anciens Combattants Canada

If you need any additional information or have questions, please do not hesitate as we are very supportive of VAC’s work.

Thank you,


Candi Ager, MIR, CHRL

Manager, RCMP-VAC Liaison Unit

National Compensation Services, NHQ



Candi Ager

Gestionnaire, GRC-ACC Programme de Liaison

Services nationaux de remuneration, GRC




September 16, 2024, marks the 50th anniversary of women being sworn in as regular members of the Force.  Much has changed since those 32 women joined the ranks of the organization that had been all male for 101 years.  Women now make up approximately 21% of the Force and have served at every rank and most of the units within the organization.

Unfortunately, the membership of the Veterans Association is not reflective of the percentage of women in the Force.  We need women who are serving or former members of the Force to join the Association.  I know that there have been conversations at the Association level in this regard, but I would like to form a working group at the Division level to look at what can be done to encourage more women to become members of the Association.   If there any of the 23 women who are members of our Division would like to participate in the working group, please let me know at: rimorse021@gmail.com.

Finally, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of women as regular members of the RCMP, each of the 23 woman in the Division who are former or serving regular members and a member of the Association will be presented with a commemorative RCMPVA challenge coin.

  1.  WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? (Copied with the permission of the Saskatchewan Divisions)



The attached message was received from a member of the Abbotsford Coffee Klatch, which meets the last Thursday of the month at the Crossroads Restaurant 1851 Sumas Way Abbotsford @ 10.00 am.

Kelly Hyswick <car54kel@icloud.com>
Jun 12, 2024, 5:26 PM (21 hours ago)
A few of the members from the Abbotsford Koffee Klatch would like to visit other Koffee Klatch meetings in the Vancouver area but do not have the schedule for the various meetings. 

Can you assist by providing the meeting dates and times?

Kelly Hyswick

Since COVID, our list has fallen woefully out of date.  If you currently are a member of a Coffee Klatch and don’t mind having new people join, please let me know the details (rimorse021@gmail.com) so we can update the list.