Seeking Members to Fill Executive Positions & Fairmont Barracks Update

July 2019 Update – Donna Morse, Past President

• Seeking Members to fill Executive Positions (term 2020/21)

 • Fairmont Barracks 

Hope this short update finds you well and enjoying the summer months.  While the Division activity slows down over the summer, your Vancouver Division Executive continue to work on topics concerning the Division. 

Executive Positions

As Past President of the Division, it is my job to serve as the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee of the Division Executive.  Our elections are held each year in November, and it is imperative that the request for Division members to step forward indicating their interest to serve on the Vancouver Division executive commence now with the hope that all executive positions will be filled for the 2020/21 term. 

The Vancouver Division executive positions that are vacant, or will become vacant, at the end of 2019 are: 

1. Director Membership (term 2020/21)

2. Director Communications (term 2020/21) 

3. Director Ceremonies and Memorabilia (term 2020/21)

The job descriptions for the positions noted above, can be found on the Division Website at  Once on the site, click on the tab “About Us – Vancouver Division – Executive – Job Descriptions”.  

Fairmont Barracks Update

Last week contact was made with Vancouver City Planning Department for an update concerningthe Fairmont Lands.  Currently, there is nothing official as to the future status of the Fairmont building.  I have been informed that the City is working with a landowner, near the Fairmont site, who may be interested in accommodating the building. The current developer of the Fairmont lands is also in agreement to the possible move of Fairmont to the identified site.  The City needs to identify, and release, approximately 40 million dollars to pay for the moving of the building and the necessary improvements.  Due to the change in council, further discussions have been stalled and any submission towards the application for moving of the Fairmont building is on hold.  The next few months will be spent in obtaining commitments, approvals, and developing plans to facilitate a possible move along with finding the required funding.    

On October 1, 2019, I will be attending a meeting at Vancouver City Hall to brainstorm ideas on how to potentially repurpose the Fairmont building in order to generate revenue.  If you have any ideas on this, please let me know by the end of September.  A couple of ideas forwarded to date are:  • RCMP/Indigenous Museum• Facility to house/care for retired Veterans• Childcare facility

I am planning on meeting with E Division to further discuss any options/support that could be obtained from the Force.  Further information will follow.  Remember any idea is a valid idea!  

Thank you and enjoy the rest of summer!    Donna