Dedication of a Stone of Remembrance Inspector Montague Henry White-Fraser, O.50A, North West Mounted Police – July 13, 2019 @ 11:00 – “Old Agassiz Cemetery”

The following information was brought to my attention in October 2017 by Linda Shephard, who is a member of the Historical Society of the District of Kent (Agassiz) which has taken on the task of conserving the “Old Agassiz Cemetery” as part of the community’s 150th celebrations in 2020.  In 2016 she wrote to Superintendent Joe Healy (Ret’d) who maintains the … Continue reading Dedication of a Stone of Remembrance Inspector Montague Henry White-Fraser, O.50A, North West Mounted Police – July 13, 2019 @ 11:00 – “Old Agassiz Cemetery”